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1.African rock --- Python python sebae
2.Blind snakes --- Typhlops schelegelii
3.Common egg eater --- -Snake d. scabra
4.Eastern  blind snake ----Typhlops schelegelii
5.Green snakes --- -Philothamnus ssp
6.House snake --- -Boaedom fulignosus
7.Bibrons stiletto snakes— Atractaspis bibrionii
8.Thirteen scaled Green Snake— Philothamnus carinatus
9.Variable Green snakes—---- Philothamnus heterodermus
13.Lineolate blind snake ---Typhlops lineolatus 
14.Battersby Green Snake --- Philothamnus battersby
15.Angola Green Snake -- Philothamnus angolesins
16.Ornate Green Snake --- Philothamnus arnatus
17.Slender Green Snake ---- Philothamnus heterolepidotu
18.Loveridges Green Snake --- Philothamnus nitidus
19.Common House Snake ---- Lamprophis fuliginosus
20.Black File Snake --- Mehelya nyassae
21.East African Shovel snout --- Prosymna stuhlmani
22.Tiger Snake --- Telescopus semiannulatus
23. Olive sand Snake --- Psammophis mossambicus



1.Black mamba --- dendroaspis polylepis
2.Black necked spitting cobra --- n.nigrocolis
3.Boomslang --- dispholidus typus
4.Bush viper --- cerathophorus atheris
5.Egyptian cobra --- naja haje haje
6.Forest cobra --- naja melanoleuca
7.Gabon viper --- bitis gabonica
8.Green mamba --- dendroaspis angusticeps
9.Night adder --- causus spp
10.Puff adder --- bitis arientaris
11.Red spitting cobra --- naja pallida
12.Eastern gaboon viper—Bitis gabinica
13.Greater Lake Bush viper—Atheris nitschei
14.Rhombic night Adder—Causus rhombeatus
15.Mozambique Spitting Cobra—Naja mosambica
16. Jameson mamba --- Dendroaspis jameson
17. Rough bush viper ----- Atheris hispida
18. Great lake bush viper ---Atheris nitschei
19.Green bush viper ------ Atheris squmiger
20. Rhinoceros viper ----- Bitis nasicornis
22. Usambara bush viper --- Atheris ceratophora

Main Office
Biro Reptiles Camp
pP.O.Box 54144
Dar Es Salaam
East Africa
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